How To Dry Sheetrock To Prevent Mold Growth

Is it time to get rid of water-related damage in your sheetrock? This is something property owners have to be aware of when it comes to doing things the right way. Here is what you need to do as soon as possible.

Topics on this page:
– Find the Problem Area
– Work on the Surface First
– Use a Proper Vacuum To Handle Water
– Be Meticulous

1) Find the Problem Area(s)

Begin by looking at the problem areas. Where is the water starting to show? Are there massive wet spots or is it all damaged?

If there are dry areas then you want to go after the main wet spots as soon as you can.

2) When Drying Sheetrock, Work on the Surface First

The surface has to be a point of emphasis for you as soon as you get the opportunity. In general, you will need to use towels and/or similar drying tools to pat away at the top layer of moisture. This won’t do much but it is going to help take action immediately.

3) Use a Proper Vacuum To Handle Water

After you have worked on the top layer, it’s time to take out a vacuum that can suck up water. You are going to work from one end to the other targeting various wet spots as best as you possibly can. Look to focus on this in detail.

4) Be Meticulous

Remember, you have to be meticulous when it comes to drying sheetrock, otherwise, you will not see the results that are desired!

You want to work from one side to the other and stay as relaxed as you possibly can. This will help manage the situation and prevent mold growth.

These are the steps that have to be kept in mind as you look to manage what is going on. Water damage happens all the time in bad situations but your assertive reaction is going to determine how bad things are in the long-term.

Although this information can help you in situations where there’s minimal water you will definitely want to call in a professional water damage restoration service near you when the water damage is more extensive. A company, like Disaster Services Flood & Water Removal, will have professional equipment to extract the water and dry out all surfaces so that there is no potential for dangerous mold growth.